Chain sharpening
Tempted to have another go at the boar today, but I opted for the more mundane chore of chainsaw sharpening. The maintenance of last week has paid off and the saw is working OK, but sharpening is one of those things that happens a lot. Also cleaning out all the gunk with compressed air. Without a compressor, chainsaw maintenance would be a lot less fun. There are little holes here and there which really need to be open for everything to work nicely. There is a cog at the end of the saw bar to hold the chain away from the metal so that it won't gradually wear the bar down to a nub. This makes a very satisfying whizz when you put the air nozzle over it, no real reason for doing it except to hear the whizz.
Just about all the wood I got in with sammy is cut into lumps now, but he is down with a cold today, so it will have to wait to get chopped as he specifically asked me to leave it for him to do.
Acrylic washes with charcoal on cartridge 25x35cm
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