Young Sammy wasn't up to anything much today, so I had to weild the axe for the duration. As you might have gathered, the road runs above our house and people can look down on us working as they walk by. This old lady lives up the road from us, she is getting a bit frail now as she heads towards the nineties. She had gone down the road to visit someone and been given a huge white radish about the size of my leg and it had got the better of her on the way back as it rolled around in her shoulder basket. I think she lost her balance and was draggin the thing up the road when she popped into view under that white rail you can see at the top of the chainsaw picture from yesterday. I went up and offered to carry the basket, but she wouldn't let me have it, just asked for help getting it back on, so I got it on and hoiked the radish out and carried that instead, which made her chuckle. She insisted I should have one of hers to take away, so I waited about playing goosberry while she communed with her vegetables for a moment. She was really inside of her webby monkey proof field protecting area here, but that wouldn't have left much to draw. She is very hard of hearing, but sometimes we connect on known facts of mutual interest, driftwood and whatnot.
Gouache on cartridge 25x35cm
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