After the trip to the dentist the other day I took Sammy to buy some bits for his bike, a little honda cub. He spent a couple of hours fiddling on it this afternoon. There were only a couple of times when he needed a bit of help from someone with a softer mind, but hardly any need at all for my dextrous digits to get involved. I know didly about bikes, but a lot of it is just basic principles put into practice. More teeth on the drive sprocket means the drive ratio will make it go a bit faster. It turned out to be a bit like changing car wheels, you need to loosen the bolts before you jack it up in that case, and here you need to loosen the sprocket bolts before taking the chain off so you can hold it still with the back brake. We had to loosen them with a bit of clever spanner twisting as we already had the wheel off.washes charcoal and a bit of chalk on cartridge 25x35cm
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