Through the door
I printed out the requisite three copies of the report and dropped that off at the school for them to forward it to the proper authorities, then went on a shopping exhibition for various necessaries of an edible nature. On returning I sank into a restorative nap and was rudely reminded that winter is still up around the neck line when I awoke to find that it was already darkling outside. I made hurried preparations for nightfall gathering together enough wood for the evening and hopefully tomorrow morning. Our stock is now back down to the green wood I collected with sammy way back on November 23, which I have been mixing in with dry stuff over the past few weeks. Basically like putting damp sponges on the fire until the moisture burns off. I shall be off somewhere with sammy again tomorrow afternoon to see about securing reinforcements for the woodpile. You can think of this one as the view from the armchair on January 07, which has not been correctly dated by the bloggy machine for some reason.
Pencil washes and charcoal on 14x21cm Rowney cartridge sketchbook
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