Dentist weds 11:30
My first visit to the thoroughly modern dentist. It must be about ten years since I last had the call to the chair. I rather borrowed the will of my son on that occasion as he had a little tiny cavity, so I got a checkup at the same time. I lost one of the several bits of metal I carry around when I bit on a slice of dried mango last sunday. At first I thought I was in for some complaining letter writing having found a peice of a can in their product, but soon realized what I had got. No particularly severe pain involved, but as always it took me a few days to summon up the courage to have my chompers checked. There was a nice little digital xray machine in a little cupboard like room and the tooth panorama pics were displayed on a windows computer screen back at the seat. Not quite all mod cons, there was the slight incongruity of a wireless mouse operated on a little plastic tray that the assistant held in her other hand, a pen on the screen will be the next step I suppose. The array of drills and whatnot on a separate spur from the chair zone was very nice also. I was right next to the viewing window for the kids room. No kids in there, but a pleasingly concerned arrangement of toys huddled in the corner furthest away from the buzzing. The dentists ask to place a towel over the patients eyes while they are operating, which I found rather soothing, it is always difficult to know where to look, I expect they had the same problem as it was only when I got up to leave that I found I had been lying back with my fly undone. Serves me right for being in such a hurry to get there. I wonder if the novelty will have worn off by next week when I go for some proper drilling.
Pencil on cartridge 15x20cm
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