Another split day. A morning meeting about another prospective job. Then home for a fiddle about shifting 2x6s around to free up the press area outside. In the afternoon sammy was working on prying out some rotten flooring so that we can extend the shop concrete floor area a bit further once he has dug out a foot or so of earth from there. I worked on fitting a few of the 2x8s from the other week as shelves in the shop. What a blessing these impact drivers are. This 18volt number has just about as much power as the pneumatic one I use hooked up to the compressor. You do need to start off gentle of course and then get your shoulder behind it once the screw has found a home.
I thought I would make it to the end of drawing this one with the stove charcoal, but the compressed charc has the edge for a bit of extra depth in blackness.
Charcoal on cartridge 25x35cm
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