Kichijoji birdhouse
I am rather plonking you in the land of the jumblies here with a rather vague go at sketching having just returned from a visit to the metropolops of Tokyo. I went to a little drinking parlor near the Inokashira park in Kichijoji this evening to meet a friend who is normally resident in China these days. That is us at the back. The chaps in front were engaged in some kind of effort at palmistry for a short time in an effort to avoid meaningful conversation. At our table we stuck to the opposite course aiming at the infinite to avoid palmistry, but probably did no better. Aside from the general decor of a tropical bird house in a rather run down zoo, which was delightful as the sun set through the trees outside, the other interesting feature of the hostelry was the gents. Which was a line of stalls directly opposite the doors for the ladies. Fortunately by the time I got there I was suitably anesthetized and the pair of giggling young ladies waiting their turn were no obstacle to the expeditious performance of my mission in that area. And so to bed after an invigorating walk home from the station.
Washes and chalks on cartridge 15x20cm
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