Half a day on translation and dentistry, then a go at firewood collection at the stock yard of the local dam. I shall be sawing that up tomorrow morning for sammy to chop when he comes back from driving school. There really is a lot less wood there than in previous years due to the lack of typhoons last autumn. We finished the day with a shopping spree and another delve into the rubbish bin at a local store for more firewood. Just before we set out we chopped up enough wood for the evening and I collected the last of the stainless steel nails that had gone astray having missed the bucket while Sammy carried the wood over to stack outside the window. I use a barrow, but he likes to carry it all in armfulls for the excercise. I am sure there is something in the nature of these gleening type activities that goes very deep in my monkey character. I am still not sure if I will use these nails for anything, but I feel happier with them in the bucket. Washes and charcoal on cartridge 25x35cm
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