Wood Bound
Today's activity was all action. I was very worried the ankle had given up the ghost yesterday, but pleased to find that it worked pretty well all day sorting stuff from the top of the wood pile. I got a load of very nice timber back in the summer from a company that is involved in the demolition business. Their warehouse used to be the home of a carpenter who worked on temples and he obviously didn't like throwing things away. They heard of my timber preference via a designer I do work for and I saved them the expense of having some of it weighed in at the local incinerator (about 150 quid a truckload). Today I went with a local guy (the chap who brought the firewood for me on saturday and monday) to clear out another section of his hoard of unmentionables. This lot was mainly for use in general construction, so the chap who came along took most of it (filling his patiently waiting two ton truck to the gunnels) while the effort got me a few pieces that were worth the trip and cleared a lot of the pile away to get me closer to the better timber at the bottom. Sad that the united nations does not work out as well.
With regard to my experimentations with glucosamine, I found I experienced a great deal of benefit from a brand that also contained Turmeric extract. I dismissed the turmeric in my mind as an incidental ingredient, but having switched to a different brand with none of it in I found my condition going down hill again. As a stop gap measure yesterday I took a spoonful of turmeric with the stuff and I am pretty sure the relief today was attributable to that. I am back on the original brand now and hope to be normal again soon. Apparently curcumin, the item extracted from the turmeric is a natural anti inflamatory, so if you are a fan of the more ethnic recipes and have jippy joints throw the stuff in with no niggardly hand.
If you are a meativore, chicken soaks it up well and if the veg is your cup of tea I recommend string beans as well as other usual suspects.
Charcoal on cartridge 38x53cm
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