
I attended the ceremony for these kids as one of the three kind of school governors. I didn't have to make a speech or anything, which was good. I did one back in the spring at the sports day, so it was another guy's turn today. They go big on singing at these doos and the faces of the graduates all lined up as they sang to the other kids gathered in front og them was quite striking.
I know this class quite well as we have done a few projects together. They are a very mixed bunch, but they are a good example of how groups can get organised to do things together with little teams forming to do separate tasks I will miss seeing them about in the school when I go there. The head teacher got pretty close to tears at one point, but managed to hold on to his hat. I hope the spirit of this class will not get diluted at their Junior high school, but change that place to become more like them and then that positive attitude will spread onward and outward.
Today is also my daughters 21st, spring is a good time of year.
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