Another day of boat building weather here. We are promised more of the same tomorrow, so we had better start gathering in the animals. When the rain falls this hard the corner of my shop starts to flood a little. Not a huge problem compared to the pictures I see of England's summer, but it is slightly unsettling. I must get it fixed next time I have a patch of free time. Having the kids at home from college is fun. I must try and find them some useful work to do while they are about. Sammy is hoping to get taken on as a temporary postman again as he got on OK with it over the new year.
I wonder if the election results here will bring an end to the slightly more nationalist agenda we have been seeing as well as the moves to loosen the constitution towards participation in armed conflict. I hope so, I am not a fan of the fascist fringe that can sometimes be seen cruising about in black minibuses playing popular songs from the last war on huge speakers bolted to the roof.
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