Window fit

Not in jail or doing my rooster impression, I spent an hour or so fitting the metal window frame into the door. It is one of those inca stone work jobs where one side is all you see. WIth the outside of the frame having a kind of flange that covers the edges of the hole in the wood on that side. So the whole focus is on not cutting too much off the inside where the fit shows. I make a template by drawing around the side of the window that will poke through the door and then cutting a hole in that and getting a good fit, then I usually use the ply as a template for the router to run around with a bearing guided bit and give a perfect hole for the frame. This window is so nearly straight on all sides I just went around with the hand saw and then sanded back a little. Lots of trial fits of which this is one. Squeezing the thing in and then taking it out to look for signs of high spots where the wood needs shaving back.
I guess the Incas did a lot of work where both sides showed, but I don't imagine they put too much work into the sides that nobody would see.
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