
The evening table. Our winter source of vitamin C the mikan or satsuma orange on a little platter my wife wove some time ago. Her most recent christmas present ipod, the day's news and a whole range of objects all with their own reason for being here.
I was contemplating the infinite after a fairly early walk with the pup this morning when I noticed that the sun was shining delightfully on my cup of tea lighting up the brownian surge of vapour from the surface. It was resting on a book on the sofa and as my attention drifted a little I spotted the reflection from the surface of the tea on the opposite wall making perfect little ying yang patterns in time with my heart beat as it was transmitted to the liquid through the sofa. The planet ignored my rapture at this primitive cardiograph and rotated the tea cup, the sofa and everything else out of alignment, reminding me that I had work to get on with.
So I did.
I had a busy day up on the roof and I need a break. So you have a test card image from our living room.
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