
My last stop outside in the evening before I go in is at the wheelbarrow to cart enough wood for the stove to burn through the evening and still have enough to get things started the following day.
My first stop inside the door is the stove. I have a long piece of concrete rebar that has a little crook on the end. Usually things have burnt down and I scoop the charcoal up to the front next to the vent in the door and dump some dry stuff in to get things going again.
I have taken to wearing a bit of a life jacket type waistcoat to keep my shoulders warm. It has cheered things up in that area.
Apparently my pictures are a little blurry on occasion, so I must appologise for that. I am afraid I have very little ambition in performing this excercise of associating image and text for the day. My goal each evening as I take root on the sofa is only to reach the point of "anything" rather than "nothing". To take a little interest in passing.
The main story on the BBC (they seem to have a similar attitude to me) that took my attention today was the one laptop per child thing. I have been watching that for a while hoping I might be able to do a buy one give one thing, but the program is only being offered in north america. Sorry to see that they may be going with a pull string generator instead of a hand crank. I hope the thing comes to bits easily as the string in those things is the first to go on chainsaws and generators. They do seem to be thinking people, so I guess they have their reasons.
Bath time has come around, so off I go.
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