Chair bits

We are being promised rain again tomorrow, so I went out to cover all these bits and bobs up with the blue plastic sheet.
There is a tradition of eating pulped up rice at new year in Japan, a big wooden hammer is used to beat the steamed rice in a wooden vessel like the one laid on its side in the foreground. This one had washed up at the dam site and it is past usefulness as the bottom has rotted right through. I was experimenting in my mind with using segments of that sawn out to make parts for chairs. I sawed out the two placed on top here and had a little play around with them, bandsawing the one further back. I am still only toying with ideas and sketches, some of them may appear in here shortly as the ideas develop. Meanwhile moving forward with preparing materials and shaping up small pieces to be turned into boxes and whatnot.
I will aim to make several blank sets of lids and bodies as I tidy up the wood pile and then shape them all up together, something systematic that I never usually do, but as that same friend said, if you don't use them up quickly they crack up or get mouldy and they end up as firewood. There is always a temptation to keep wood that is highly figured for something special, but something else always turns up, so I must make a habit of using it up to make room for more. Now is the ideal time for making decisions about wood as the rejects can go straight in the fire.
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