
The geometry of scooping up rubbish after two trips to the wood yard. The square dust pan forming a triangle of trash into a round bucket. I spend a lot of my day with my elbow on my knee holding various implements. I suppose I should be in some kind of manly stance, but the elbow on the knee helps form triangles in my structure and keeps me working for the day. I shall be needing a stretch before bedtime.
The most rewarding part of the day was seeing it cloud up and look like rain. Snug in the knowledge that I have wood for a week or two. Mrs P even made me a cup of tea, so I must have done well.
The first trip was in the cold of the morning, the ground frozen and safe to drive on. The afternoon sun had brought out a bunch of midges that were keen to find points of entry to my private supplies of electrolytes and whatnot. I don't suffer too much with bug bites thankfully or I would have been in danger of doing myself a mischief with the chainsaw. The trip out of the yard is always a bit whacky races, even with four wheel drive there are some little swamps that need avoiding and even the safe path has patches that need some skeedadle to get through. With the truck loaded I would not want to get stuck.
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