Yesterday started out as one of those days, but today ended as one. My daughter is world famous for her ability to loose stuff. Today she was helping her friend pack up her apartment ready to go on a study trip to England. Thus she was already miserable at being deprived of the company of a like minded human. The final straw was getting home to find that her little comfort box of music had left her company somewhere between the local station building and home. We did the usual crisis mode searching with sniffer dogs, but it was not anywhere to be found, so we drove back to the station. I parked the car and my spirits were slightly lifted when I saw the young lady go scrabbling down under a parked truck like our own. The driver waiting patiently to give some loved one a lift home must have thought she was loopy. Meanwhile nursing the little fellow in the cup of her hand with those tender movements of the scrolly thumb that are now familiar in the world of technology my daughter had produced a wee glow from the chap and he was undamaged except for a slightly wet nappy. I imagine the tyres must have got very close to squishing the minty wafer of his soul during the twenty minutes or so that he lay on the floor of a busy station drop off point.
Lessons are hard learnt, I hope this one has been and that I will see her make some kind of device that defeats her weakness. Like the strings that keep kids mittens from getting lost.
The whole thing has left me exhausted.
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