Siberian Bluechat

I went with sammy to get more wood from the dam yard as it is threatening more rain or snow tomorrow. This little girl was lying in front of the truck as I was about to get on board, so I popped her on top of the letterbox until we came back, then took this. I guess a car did the damage as most of the cats round here would have taken the liberty of digesting the more meaty portions as would any other predator. I only see these birds in the winter and in my little guide it says it is rare for them to overwinter, so it is likely this little muggins was an individual who had enjoyed the environs of the homestead repeatedly. They are kind of friendly birds like the Robin in the UK and they will investigate what we are up to when chopping wood and whatnot looking for winter treats among the more rotten lumps. The male has the blueish coloration all up the back and is a lot smarter looking, as is common among these dinosaur remnants. I have left this original size, click on the pic to get a zoomy view. I enjoyed the feather and scaly feet detail as well as noticing how dusty my gloves must have been when I picked it up.
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