
I had forgotten that I had left the mortice holes for the backs until this point as I wanted to give the seat planks time to move (they must not shrink too much or bow once the mortices are cut). So each chair I take to bits has to have that done (two more to go). This was yesterday's customer. The wood web of stretchers is the one on the bench from yesterday's photo. I hadn't noticed until this morning that the little patterns on the rungs I made yesterday were following the rhythm of the curves in the bottom catching divet in the seat plank, I suppose my subconscious is at work.
I am sure it seems a long winded process, but having this chair back up together to photograph means that the next one in line will take things a little further along and also include any responses I have to the things I have recognized in this one.
I suppose the normal way of proceeding is for a designer to draw out a design and then a craftsman to make it. I have the honor of performing both roles and changing hats frequently throughout the construction process, now I find that my subconscious also has a chapeau to throw into the mix.
I wish it would speak up a bit, it appears to have a personality annoyingly similar to captain Mainwaring and chime in at the last minute, "Ah, I was wondering when you would spot that." . In his case it was always covering up for something he hadn't spotted at all, but hopefully my SC is just venting its rather ironical sense of the amusing.
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