I got on with the final finishing on the table, painting on and rubbing in preservative and doing a couple of other little tasks. I heard that the owner of the wood yard where I have bought a bit of timber died back in January. Sad news as he was a friendly chap and very helpful always. The first time I met him a few years ago he said he had been diagnosed with cancer, but he managed to keep going right till the end. He was only in hospital for three or four days and then set off on the journey elsewhere while asleep. I went round to visit his wife with the designer who first introduced us and we spent a little time there paying our respects and lighting incense. It is traditional to have a little shrine in the home here. There are all the accoutrement for making offerings and also photos of the dear departed. In this case, the gentleman in question, his mother and father were all smiling down from their places, which must be reassuring for those left behind.
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