
I switched over to a little manual job for the minimal working part of the day. One of my near neighbors had a bit of a shock last week when someone deliberately smashed the rear window of his car. I don't know who or why, but it must have been a bit miserable for him. A few months ago he asked me to make a little carved name plate to go outside his front door and I have had the piece of wood set aside ready for some weeks.
I decided to move that job to the head of the list and hope that the result will be something of a boost after his brush with the world of random violence. It seems that these events occur more frequently and having made their way through the arteries of the world are now hitting even the tiny capillary of world commerce upon which we reside.
I find that on balance I am not positively effected by comments on the blog here. I will look in to removing that facility. If you feel like commenting, please try to have some kind of web presence of your own that will let me know who you are or at least what you are doing. If you look around I am sure you can find my Email address somewhere, but imagine you are writing a message not shouting at someone out of the window. I am encouraged to hear from friends and family that there are people out there who look in every day and I am very happy that people look at these pages, but random comments put the brakes on my gently spinning wheels of optimism simply because I have no frame of reference for them.
It is like walking down the street and hearing someone shout at you. You look round, you don't know them and you are not sure what they said, but they are looking at you for some reason with something on their mind and then they turn away and they are gone.
Not a particularly human interaction, and it sticks disturbingly in the mind because of that.
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