My contribution to taming the rats nest was to expand the hole in the wall and reroute all the new wires through a slot I cut in my fresh bit of wall. I also rechecked what those were connected to with Sammy turning switches on and off as we went along. That all paid off today as the electrician came along and connected us up temporarily with the new distribution board. The work went a lot more smoothly than he thought it would thanks to that bit of effort the other evening. He also drove in a one and a half meter long chunk of copper as a new earth, and that went down very smoothly, too. We still have to use the old yellow main fuse and the same meter, so none of the advantages of being able to tap into 200v as yet, but we are on our way and must wait for the electric company to come and do the rest. Then we can put the cover on and forget about it.
I managed to do a little bit of work on the table legs shaping tenons to their final fit with hand tool as the electric wasn't back on until lunch time
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