In the morning I dug out a lump of rubber from some fitting or other and used a couple of hole saws in the drill press to cut out an approximately sized copy of the O ring or olive for the orphaned fitting and trimmed it up with the belt sander. Then we went to measure the gap where there was none of the abandoned black pipe laying around and found a piece 7 meters long to fill that gap. It took a few trips up and down the pipe disconnecting and reconnecting and a bit of shaking about, but in the end we got a spout of water coming out the end and the flow of water down the black pipe is about three times what it was down the other. All the pipe is along a slippery slope through the woods, so our digging yesterday to put in a bit of a path and then a few footholds was not in vain, but even so the novelty of crawling about in the jungle with pipes had pretty much worn off by the end of the day. I reckon there is now enough water coming down into the pond to make a little fountain or something, but I am not sure whether such ostentation would be appreciated.
The old lady said it made her happy to see and hear all that water flowing and I encouraged her to utilize the tap in the kitchen once the tank has had a chance to clear up a bit. Tea is a lot tastier with mountain water than with the stuff we pay for in the city pipes. I must remember to tell her to get a little filter to stick on the end of the tap as well.
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