Borrowing the stairs next door to my job site to get a bit of perspective on the roof work. Something of a side track making a roof for the veranda above my extension project. The flashing work on the veranda was terrible, so I was going to just paint the floor after inserting a lead and cement sill, but in the end decided that the roof was a more permanent solution. I don't think the tile floor will need painting after all.
I chopped out a section of tile and concrete from the whole of the frontage and laid a series of lead flashing pieces in that with their rear ends raised to form a water stop. I made some stainless steel fittings to house the feet of the pillars for corrugated plastic roof and fixed them into the trench with the lead. Then I also laid in some mesh and lengths of rebar. After making a little shallow shuttering along the front I poured in some concrete and am now giving that time to cure. Water run off from the veranda now comes down over the lead flashing and will then pass on to my shingle roof once the shingles are on.