Auto vents

Working away at the door now, but earlier in the week the Baylis auto vents arrived, so I couldn't resist getting up early to fit them the next day having put them in the fridge and whatnot as prescribed in the instructions. There are two on the top pentagon and two on some smaller aluminium framed windows at the rim of the dome. They seem to work fine, but I had to do a little trimming on one window to get it to shut smoothly. This is about as open as they get at midday and they seem to be fully shut by about an hour after dusk.
I went back to the Japanese site offering American imports to check what my actual price ratio was including shipping and I got four for the price of one and a third even with DHL shipping prices.
I decided to make the windows on top as separate units with a frame surround and a pane of glass held in a rebated wood frame, that meant the compound angles on the actual opening could be ignored and I could just make everything on the ground and then screw it in place up top.

As this photo shows, that makes the windows just slightly raised above the rest of the dome shell.
The door work is progressing and I am on schedule to go and fit the frame at the beginning of June.
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