Not quite sure what the bench committee are discussing, but any concerns they had were justified. In the afternoon I scorched all the tops and the little shoe plates on the two that have them. They were all then branded, so any blur in this picture is caused by them shaking in fearful anticipation not me jiggling the camera.

These are the brands on the back corners, the left one is the motto of the local social welfare council "we are all good people"and their Mark. The right one is the name of the organisation with the little present logo my daughter came up with and the bottom legend basically means "a gift". The branding business actually takes quite while, each section is done separately and it takes a few shots on each one. I ran out of steam around 6:30, so they will have to wait till tomorrow to be screwed up together. I expect the team could do with the rest after all they have been through today.
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