Pencil pusher
Feeling a bit run over. I spent the morning welding up parts to attach a crane thing onto my little truck in preparation to try and haul my aluminium melting furnace to the school for a sand casting session there next Thursday. Then out for some more firewood collection in the afternoon. Throwing loads of timber down from one place, loading it onto the truck and then throwing it down into the yard back at our house. So you are getting a precis of the view from my spot on the sofa. I must get off here and have a stretch to put my muscles and whatnot back where they should be. Then perhaps I might have a go in the piano chair.
Incidentally the other young un did well in her assement on the project we were discussing back on November 12th, she was pleased by the response from her tutors after all her hard work.
Pencil on cartridge 25x35cm
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