Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Some guy messing with my chisels. I really must do a few more observed self studies to get some more data on the old map. Last job of the daylight chores was hauling that sculpture downstairs to the shop on the wheelbarrow and having a quick go at chiseling.
I spent the morning making up a turning saw, which is the frame like thing down at bottom left. I wanted it to cut some curves in the corners of the table I need to make and to make use of a tipped bandsaw blade that gave up the ghost after a few years of service. The carbide is still good and sharp, so it seemed a shame to let it rot. I had rewelded it a couple of times, but there are many stress fractures in it, so each time it cracked somewhere else. Never on the original weld, so that is a tribute to the guys who did that job.
Gouache on cartridge 29x42cm