Not even a doodle

A peaceful day spent in chaos, so no work related thoughts.
This year I tried growing some Calla lilies, they were on special offer as they had dried out a bit in the shop like bits of old root ginger. This is the first out and they seem to like it in the garden. I had the school councilor meeting this evening. We are supposed to give our take on how the school is doing. I give them a tiny percentage of my real thoughts. I have a feeling there is a lot of human knowledge that just isn't taught in school or better yet discussed.
What is the reason behind all these wars. How do you stop getting back ache. How do you invest the money you have earnt so that it grows a little instead of shrinking. Why is it so important that nothing lasts forever.
There was a sense today of the teachers feeling something similar in that they felt the basic human stuff that should be commonly understood is rather fading out among their young charges. It's a big subject.
Returning to the scrape of land outside the shop I have some lily of the valley, which were my mother's favorite flowers, I remember her saying that her brother Ernest liked Callas, so I may be on my way to some kind of memorial collection. I shall try and gather more data and continue the series.
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