Animal club

The thing with the kids went OK, we got the plaster poured, but there wasn't time for it to set before we had to finish. I expect they will turn out the shapes tomorrow. The class ended up splitting along gender lines, the girls tried the plaster and the boys in the class wanted to try the foil wrapping approach, but they will have to wait till next time to solder the shapes together. I took some photos so that they can see where they were with all the bits when they come back to it next time. This little chap was on some kind of safari spree by the look of it. Thinking about a green fish when he ran out of time.
The glass scraps are from a local stained glass shop that is happy to get rid of them in my direction. I tip a couple of bags out into a big metal tray and the kids poke about looking for something they like. They also learn to cut the glass, but most only manage straight cuts to match up edges. Soldering is the next step, so another new process to try out.
I am still out of the furrow of routine with the computer off to the hospital tomorrow and medical bills on the horizon.
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