Press monkey

Most of the day spent doing this sort of malarky. The press is a lot more fun to use now that I have put in a couple of stops so that it can't skid round on its pillow blocks when I give it a good pull. If you are into the metal work, look in to getting one of these fly presses, big or small, they are very powerful. I was mainly texturing the lengths of bar I want to use for the window in my current door project. I guess I should really have the thing up on a stand, but it is safe enough down on the floor except for that slight risk of getting a knock on the head from one of the four handles not in use. That is probably why I look like I am trying to stick my head in there. The only real problem is that it is one sided excercise like so many other things.
Whenever you do something to the material like texturing it with marks it bends all over the place, and that is where the press has a big advantage as it allows you to bend things back into shape with a lot of sensitivity and a great deal of power, so you only need to do a bit of taping with a hammer to finish it off true again.
Charcoal on cartridge 37x53cm
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