Handle starters

I managed to put in a good effort up till around 2ish, but the mad dogs went in for a drink, so I thought I should follow suit. Anyway, I feel better having made a start at forging the door handles, still a way to go, but the arrangement of bricks and the propane torch seem to work OK. I have to get in some more Oxygen and then I will be ready to do the last fiddly bits of bending and twisting. I have two lumps of 30mm or so square bar welded on to a couple of lengths of concrete rebar as handles to save having to use tongs. As the drawn out parts get thinner the work starts to go faster, but I don't want to get stuck having to jump things back up thicker again. I have some other small parts to make, so I am working on them while the lumps are heating. The press handles have started to give my right hand a new set of callouses. I must make a start on the shelves as well, so that both items can be brewing along together.
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