I opted for a bit of both today, clearing the junk off of the stack of timber I need for some of the woodwork and making ready for the iron work too.
I suddenly remembered those frogs eggs in the tree over the roof in the afternoon as I spotted that the ball of foam had disappeared. I got the bowl down dreading the results, but luckily a whole bunch of the little tree frog divels were safely caught. Here they all are, too many to give names to, but I was happy to see they had landed safely as they would have just washed down on to the ground and died without the old plastic bowl we stuck under them.
I suddenly remembered those frogs eggs in the tree over the roof in the afternoon as I spotted that the ball of foam had disappeared. I got the bowl down dreading the results, but luckily a whole bunch of the little tree frog divels were safely caught. Here they all are, too many to give names to, but I was happy to see they had landed safely as they would have just washed down on to the ground and died without the old plastic bowl we stuck under them.
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