As usual I didn't think of taking a picture until it was nearly dark. This is my little playhouse, but there is not much to be seen. The scaffolding poles are 4meters at the longest, so that should give an idea of scale. My last job on site today apart from clambering up on the truck to pull down scrap wood from the scaffolding was cutting the rebate in the three lengths of 2x4 you can see along the front to house a backing board to hold the iron letters of the sign for the cafe. I got all the ceiling planking done today, so I will have to get the scaffolding arranged a bit better to do the little drop down walls. Then the plasterer chap can get going on it all once I have finished a bit more copper and I will get back up on top and finish off the flashing.
At least the photo does credit to the little truck that always waits about so patiently for me to get finished each day as well as the election poster under the window for Mr Goto, who ever he is. Neither the truck or I have a vote.
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