Take this one, too, could you?

I am guilty of getting a bit gabby lately, but one thing that niggles me though, if I were a Muslim, would it be forbidden for me to make images like this that are related to the human form? Deep waters indeed, perhaps I ought to do some research into this area of human society of which I am almost inconceivably ignorant. I have just Googled and I am afraid my ignorance is no excuse for my unintentional blasphemy. Thankfully the Islamic law apparently only applies to those who follow Islam and I can now never be one of those, because my self indulgence in making these scribbly drawings is now far too deeply ingrained.
Hey ho.
Those who do follow Islam have my respect for their restraint, especially the children, who must also be banned from this practice. I suppose they just stick to drawing geometric patterns. That was what I used to do in my news book when I couldn't think of anything else to draw.
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