After a few hours in the shop I went on a shopping expedition with Sammy. We also took more household flotsam to a shop that buys stuff or at least chucks it away or leaves it in a bin for people that are interested. Just as we were driving off Sammy spotted a Bulbul dead in the road, so I shifted it over to the side on a patch of snow hiding in the shade from the white guard rail. Just now I popped back up to the road to see if it was still there, but something had carried it off. The moon was very full, and as I was out I snapped the trees reaching for that instead. Apparently the danger of bird flu is now increasing in our area as there is a risk of it spreading here from Indonesia or mainland China. I am pretty sure these birds are just traffic victims, but without a full postmortem who knows. I was glad that I could answer honestly, when quizzed by my wife, that I had washed my hands after touching the beasty. Only in the trickle of spring water, but better than nothing.
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