Friday, March 21, 2008


You will have to forgive me if my posting behavior becomes a little irregular. I am apparently in one of those periods where external influences must have their say, like when that asteroid hit the earth and put paid to the dinosaurs.
Not quite so severe perhaps, but as I was diligently working away downstairs an acquaintance called up and asked Mrs P if I would come out for a drink. Herself having agreed to my absence I went.
Now, I am fairly full of jollity and incapable of visual imagery.
The said acquaintance was a gentleman who I served on the PTA with some years ago.
His subsequent service in many voluntary roles was apparently due to seeing me help out putting up a tent as part of a school sports day activity. I suppose I do stand out a bit here as a person of foreign persuasion and he began to ask himself what I was doing there and who I was. Personally I think I would have left it there, but he signed up for the PTA then and there and we later served as vice presidents of the institute together. He had been at the graduation ceremony earlier in the day in one of his volunteer roles and had hooked on that chance meeting as an opening for a call to the bar side.
After our long chat of this and that I am ready for bed.