Digging with Sammy more of a distant memory today, but that was what my brain latched on to. This little charcoal pencil is very convenient and fun to draw with. The B5 sheet here took about one sharpening and the wood was starting to scrape by the end. Today I made a polystyrene form and a bit of wood shuttering to make a corner piece for the gutter just where our shovels are. That left me with a little cement in the bag, so I went up to do a little repair on the water works of last week. One side of the little dam where the water is collected had given way, so I took up a board and some of those excellent screws that can go direct into a hole drilled in concrete or block walls without any kind of rawl plug or anchor. I used three of them to attach the board to shutter in the informal repair of concrete. There was a nifty little garter snake mooching about in the water tank looking for food to add a bit of wildlife interest to the project. I will pop up and check the cement is curing OK tomorrow if the rain continues to hold off for the holidays.
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