
Well I didn't spend too long on the drawing today either, but stopped while it was still fun and switched over to the piano once Sammy had finished his turn. Fiddling with metal work again today, but no definite results. I did have a go at silver soldering some gas fittings, which was fun. The solder was the result of a trip to the junk shop a long time back. It was lucky I still had a box of borax from back when I thought I needed flux to smelt aluminium. Without that as flux I think it would have been a slightly less satisfying experience. I must see about taking the handle off the press again and brazing in some pads to take out some of the play in the drive screw. Before that I need to fix the thing to the ground somehow. At the moment a big pull on the handle makes the whole thing rotate when the head hits home, which won't do.
Charcoal on cartridge 53x37cm
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