
After a fairly juddery start to the day arranging jobs for the offspring to undertake I got settled on the shelving again. I realized I would not be able to cut any but the end most joints on the bandsaw, so set about modifying my sliding chop saw so that it would stop at a given height above its base and slide through the cut to help me speed up making lap joints. I welded up a little stop like a tiny g clamp that I can stick on under the height stop when I want the saw to perform its new joint cutter function. It took me a while tinkering about on the floor with the thing to figure out the best method of approaching the thing. The Oxygen arrived, so I celebrated that by gas welding the little gadget up together, mainly choosing this method because the kids were in the shop and I don't like electric welding when others are about, and it would have meant putting on more clothes to keep the welding tan at bay on an already warmish day.
Having done the prep I got through a few joints and the kids also worked OK, so we ended up rather productive in the end. I had to leave the glass from yesterday under its weights as the caulking had not yet set.
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