I have the front of my roof area planked in ready to be papered and meshed for the mortar rendering. I thought I would be clever and drill the holes to mount the sign then put some pegs in there to keep them open while the mortaring is done. That meant I was able to do that tricky bit of marking and drilling with the section of 2x10 backing board down on the floor. Then I popped the plank in and when I had the lath planking on I drilled the holes through again from the back and tried the sign in place just to show the owners how it would look roughly. They were worried the lettering for the old sign would be a bit small, but I think it looks fine and they thought so too once it was up. The only bit missing is a little dot above the I in Amille. A made up word to suggest friendly meetings I think. It looks like the roof and the existing beam structure that I made back when they first opened will make a nice balance and frame the lettering nicely once everything is done. The windows aren't visible directly from the front unless you walk under the beam, but they can be glimpsed from either side.
I must get on and put in some cable for the lights as well. Today I was fiddling with bits of mesh all around the windows, then off to get more wood with Sammy just before darkness fell. Plenty of time for drawing, but no energy left. I need to get some back, so I'll have a pop at the piano instead.
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