Happy landings

I had a bit of a breakdown yesterday as the blogger was offline and crashed under the weight of olympia during normal hours and I didn't retry obsessively as I might have done in the past. I was one of the billion or so folk watching the coming out party for China. For some reason that media phrase gave the event a whole new meaning.
As usual today I chatted on Skype with family and the Olymp was one of the subjects we discussed. My pappy said he got a bit tearful watching the proceedings as the marvel and wonder of it all took hold. I found the short hairs standing at some parts, but mainly when I thought, what if all these were just nice people putting on a show. Always the idealist, that is the view I shall stick with until I find out different. I walked in on the thing with all those drummers at the start and from there it was clear the chaps had not spared time or expense in their effort to impress. There were several times when the camera zoomed in and caught by chance one of the thousands of performers making some small gesture to correct the lie of their sleeve or something like that, and that impressed me too. Giving the impression of that one individual's endeavor to do it right even if a mere unit among the hoard.
Ah well, that was yesterday and elsewhere in the world the war goes on. Our Sammy is currently in airborne transit for a bit of study abroad, so my mind is also a little distracted as I wish all travellers a happy landing.
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