Friday, July 31, 2009
An unusual day for me as I took a little trip into the metropolops to visit a one night only show put on by colleagues of a friend in the UK entitled conjoin-me at a venue called superdeluxe.
The show itself and the company was very pleasant, interesting to be amongst the masses for a change. But my daughter had got it right when she warned me that there was a risk of warring parties waiting in the wings when travelling in Roppongi. The nightlife of the area is very popular among foreign visitors and thus certain tensions exist in greater measure there than elsewhere in the city.
These emerged on my return journey travelling on one of the deaper subway lines toward shinjuku. The train was crowded and a rather tipsy Japanese chap happened to bump into a foreign bloke who was standing by the door as he got on the train. Said bloke proceeded to take exessive umbridge to this and started pushing the chap over onto the floor. He looked like he might set too and start slapping the bemused Japanese chap about, so, fool that I am I shouted "Stop, Stop, Stop" until he did. All of the agression was coming from the foreign bloke who I believe (based on his accent as heard later on) was british like myself and in hindsight must also have been either obtuse or deliberately standing by the door awaiting the oportunity to get upset by a boarding bumbler. The cogniscenti move a few paces into the throng to avoid the melle, just far enough to avoid having to cause a panic in the sea of humanity when it is ones turn to swim for the door in order to alight at the destination. My subconscious did not get as far as considering the possibility that things have changed so much in Japan that the crowd might then be on the side of the agressor and turn on me for putting an end to their entertainment, thankfully this was not the case. However, subconsciously I think I realised I could have put up a fair fight against the agressor should the power of speach fail me. It was immediately obvious from the way the crowd broke that they were on the side of righteousness, thank goodness. The Japanese bloke actually seemed to see me as his saviour and swam over as if to a life raft in a stormy see. My one aim was to promote dialog not arouse agression. The young gentleman followed the plan and shouted all those things that one imagines such people will shout in a fairly inane way while looking at a spot somewhere over my head. I hadn't realised that some people might watch such scenes in movies and be inspired to emulate the burke. My correspondent seemed keen to know why I had intervened and I was very quick to admit that I had no good reason other than that the matter did not seem worth fighting over. He continually attempted to provoke me into becoming a surrogate combatant.
Anyway, the energy of the moment was spent in him shouting and then as the train stopped at the next station he asked me if I would like to step off and talk about it. I declined, stating that I was convinced I was already getting very close to missing my last train home. I cannot say that we parted friends, but perhaps he had cooled a little. Once the doors had closed behind him my fellow sardines and I heaved a sigh of relief and the tipsy chap (who I had actually patted on the head during the verbal abuse to demonstrate his harmlesness) and his companions all thanked me for my efforts. At one point the foreign bloke accused me of being some kind of dogooder who made a habit of interfering in Tokyo and everywhere else I went in the world. I assured him this was my first trip to Tokyo this year and he shouted "I hope you've learnt your lesson". I had to agree that I had, but in truth I learnt that lesson a long time ago and I fail to see how he could say that and somehow portray himself as a worthy purveyor of learning. I suppose it is a little like the wife beaters who say "Look what you made me do".
All in all an interesting evening, and thanks to the train gods of the underworld I did just make the last train home.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Turbine Hall

On today's visit to do a little more discussion of my proposed mission, I was treated to a sighting of an Osprey as we climbed the crooked stairway back up to level ground. Unfortunately I was unable to remember the Japanese name until I got back in the car, but I let one of my companions take a peek through the binoculars, just saying that it was an unusual sighting for me and describing the bird's habit of grabbing fish.
Saturday, July 25, 2009

The stage pallets under my part are about 4x6 foot and there are six of them. The promontary is 3x6 I think.
During the ceremony three school kids come up and light the three little memorial candles, which represent the three nationalities of blokes killed in making the dam. Chinese, Japanese and Korean. The majority of the deaths occured when a typhoon struck in 1944 while the footings were still pretty weak, although they do tell of blokes falling in the concrete and not being hauled out. Gruesome, but plausible given the nature of the human animal.
Friday, July 24, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Rain stopped play on the eclipse. It did grow rather dark, but there was no sign of the sun at all.
I saw a fairly big bite taken out of the sun back in the eighties, checking on the NASA page that was probably July 20th 1982, but I can't be sure. I do seem to remember it being in the evening and that correlates with the NASA eclipse data. It looks like Japan is due for another big partial eclipse on May 20th 2012.
Dam tools

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
A small update on our dog medication just in case anyone is searching for a cure for skin problems in retrievers. Our retriever has been suffering from a skin complaint and ear problems for a hell of a time now. Treatment by the vet was a little half hearted, but he did tell us that it was not the nasty business carried by some species of burrowing mite. Anyway, I went on a research tour for possible sources of antibiotic that might help and found a reference to fish-flex, an antibiotic for aquarium fish. This was apparently in wide usage among dog owners to treat alsorts among the canine fraternity. I ordered some and mentioned to a friend that I had done so. He then said that he had a bunch of antibiotics left over from his medication and volunteered them for our dog. So our initial treatment was with a 10 day course of somethingymycin and a pretty strong steroid. The dog immediately perked up and one of those fat cyst about the size of the end of my thimb that he had been carrying on his back for a while decided it didn't like living inside him any more and started making a bid for freedom. That initial dosage was very encouraging, so I have continued with the Fish flex. Two 500mg capsules twice a day for about two weeks now. This may seem excessive, but according to my calculations the dose is correct and we are seeing a definite reversal in the skin infection that had almost completely covered the underportions of the animal in blackened scabby skin. We now have the return of proper pinky skin areas and a return of hair growth where appropriate. I think we should have taken some before after shots to prove our case, but perhaps it would have been too much like doggy porn. Anyway, initially I hid the drugs in pieces of banana that pupster was happy to catch and eat when thrown them. Unfortunately he became suspicious of banana and eventually started to spit out the stuff even when it had no capsules in. I should have been more careful to doctor the banana where he couldn't see me doing it. Of course I just stuff the capsules in his bowl for the morning dose, but I needed a new method for the evening as he only gets the one meal. In the end I just tried throwing him some little treats of a similar size to the capsules, then threw in a capsule between treats and he snaffled it down just as if it were a treats too. He leaves them on the floor if he misses and drops one, but when I pick it up and throw it again he will swallow it the next time around. Hiding in plain sight is a very effective method of concealment.
Monday, July 20, 2009
When we were six

Today I saw the end of Apollo 13 during my lunch and thanks to the recent plethera of lunar programming I noticed that the naval captain welcoming Jim lovell (Tom Hanks)back to earth bore a striking resemblance to Jim Lovell himself. A quick trip to Wikiland resolved the mystery, it was him playing a cameo role, nice that he had a tiny part on the set as well as behind the scenes.
Anyway I wanted to hear something from Neil and a brief search found this interview, which went some way toward filling the gaps, but I would still like to know how he repaired the switch.
It is sad that the race against Russia seems to be percieved as the most important factor behind the public support for the project. I had forgotten all about that side of it.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
So far

Labels: Solar tracker
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Housing for social cogs

It is not hard to see why so much in the world that is functional is also ugly. After all the work of constructing the prototype there is little energy left for easthetic concerns. Perhaps a lick of paint and a rain cover will suffice.
Labels: Solar tracker
Friday, July 17, 2009

Labels: Solar tracker
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wind up

So after examining the thing for a bit I decided to abandon my jack head on the top and go with the ratchet mechanism from the winder as seen below. It required a few additions to the bracket and some other mental adjustments. I tried it out with a lead weight strapped on and it shifted the thing no problem, so I hope it will prove strong enough to move the panel OK.
I think Monday was my lowest point so far on this project. I remember leaving the wood stove for several months before finally getting it connected up. All these things seem stupid at the time, but the stove is now an established part of the home, so hopefully this weird object will be too one day. Anyway, I am grateful to the chap at the mechanics who let me walk away with these bits gratis.

Labels: Solar tracker
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Soon to be extinct

Got the two parts welded up and moving about properly, but again hit a wall with power. I have several motors about, but none seems perfect for the job of powering the jack head. I went on a more wide ranging search for geared motors in the evening. In the end an auction site showed me some window winder motors advertised at 1450 yen each. They looked like just what I wanted, but I figured on begging for some first. I had already thought of car bits as ideal due to their 12 volt diet.
Labels: Solar tracker
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Pole top

The post top item took more shape, but didn't actually get the two bits together as shown here. One of the bikes had a split frame with the back forks mounted on a hinge with a shock absorber. I used the hinge to go on top of the post as the thing that will determine the angle of the panel depending on the time of year.
I had seen panels mounted on roofs, so though about things based on that, but on looking into the available mounts I found that the best solution was to have some kind of axis that would could be oriented to match that of the planet we sit on. This angle only has to be changed a little each day as the year progresses. The angle shown here might happen at the equator, but not where we are. The blue shaft housing remains stationary while the shaft that runs through it rotates. Brackets will connect the top and bottom of the shaft to the panel mount. The beginnings of one bracket can be seen at the right (top end) of the shaft.
Labels: Solar tracker
Monday, July 13, 2009
Stumbled about for a bit trying to figure out the rotating part of my device. In the end opted for the screw and two elbows from a scissor jack. That worked OK, but still no definite signs of what to power the thing with. While I massaged the brain on that I hauled things about to clear up som eof the metal detritis under one of my shelf areas and in the process pull out any bits and bobs that might come in useful.
Labels: Solar tracker
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I frame
My normal routine for Saturday was slightly disturbed by guests in attendance, but I persevered with the mount for the solar panels making a light sub frame to accommodate the panel on its pole.
There was just enough of some aluminium square pipe to do it. Also some little stainless steel end mounts that made it easy to join things together. I made some stainless end caps for the pipe that also act as grips to hold the panel on.
Labels: Solar tracker
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Friday, July 03, 2009
Thursday, July 02, 2009

Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Seat on