Another apology due, I noticed that the number of page views spiked on June 24, naively I thought people might be looking at chairs, but I am pretty sure it was just because I used the word porn, whoops, did it again. Sorry to those disappointed.
I took a little snip out of the end of the back rail to give it a small accent. So the lip I like at the back comes around and ends on each side as the little divot that makes the end of the top kind of scrolly. As I have said, the top needs to remain pretty solid for strength, so only minimal cutting was permissible. To be honest I left that kind of spike so that it is just slightly uncomfortable if you lean hard with your palms on the back right there, I wanted to discourage that as it might eventually weaken the ends. The twists in the side verticals, are an echo of twist in the table structure and they give more emphasis to the supporting lean of the back. Twisting the other way would obviously negate that curve on the visible side, straightening it out. This is what happens on the inside where it is not so visible.
One other favorite part is that lip at the front corner of the seat slab. The tenon at the top of the leg pokes into the underside of the seat and the little set of curves set up by the lip between the curve rolling over the top and the underside feeling its way up from below make a satisfying counterpoint.
I hope this isn't too much of a pain in the potty, but with the other choice of subject matter for Sunday being a democratic election with one candidate and a unity of nations that blithers over what it thinks about that, I feel strangely empowered to do my own blithering over bits of wood I have spent some several hours in communion with. Apparently there are cases where age brings no wisdom, just a sickening desire for power, however tragically ridiculous the circumstances under which it is retained. I suppose once you have absolute power, and you have no idea what to do with it, the only activity left to you is clinging on to it until the eye balls bubble. I wonder what it is about the hobby of bottle brush mustache trimming that makes it so attractive to democratically elected dictators.