Slightly dumb I guess, but I am really happy about the election result. I did not get much done today. I kept breaking off to listen to results and speeches. I wasn't one of those huddling around a radio to listen to Mr Obama's speech, but if huddling around a PC on a Wifi connection in the workshop counts I was certainly engaged with everyone else on this planet who is hopeful that the man just elected as president is a real human being.
This morning when there was still a danger of more of the same I got a tremendous sense that time is slipping by even for my kids. Another four years of the same would make my youngest 24 and that thought was making me very sad. I wish things could have been different for Mr M, he would have been the perfect vice president if he had changed parties. It was sad to hear him let down by his supporters booing whenever Mr O was mentioned, especially since he also seemed to have become human for the evening.
Anyhow, I feel an immense sense of hope that there is now a chance for something to change among our species and I truly hope we will take it. My hope is that we will hurry up and do it while we still have the luxury of fossil fuel.
To celebrate this time of hope I went out this evening to buy some treats for our meal tonight and timed it just right to inconspicuously follow around the man putting half price stickers on stuff at the supermarket. We also went to buy heating oil and I saw this reindeer on sale for a fiver. I am afraid he will soon be recycled, but his lights will live on and be much appreciated illuminating the way up our steps once they are attached to a sensor switch.
The other luxury was the bottle of bubbly he is sniffing, as well as some icecream that was also on sale. It was gratifying to find my hope rewarded by blessings from the gods of consumerism who help those that help themselves.
My toast this evening will be for a long and happy life of service to Mr Obama and for fate to twist the ankles of all those that desire to hinder or harm him in anything good he undertakes. Health and happiness to all.
When I told Sammy there was a reindeer on sale for a fiver in the shop he thought I meant a real one, like they were pet rabbits on special offer. Anyway, it seems that he is interested in reindeer farming and thought that by some weird coincidence it was to become a reality. What a great kid he is to be sure.