Having an image free day. My brains are all tied up with wood engineering methodology for door production. There was another local community drinking doo today as well, which seemed to take a lot of the chill out of the water when I went for a swim with sammy on returning home suitably intoxicated. I had got in an early start , so I was able to measure out the rails and stiles, cut those up and start cutting grooves to house the little panels before the drinkin started. We mainly sit about and chat at these events, covering a good deal of conversational territory.
A local chap who does gardening for a living brought by three engine powered weed whackers he had given up on and we were able to get one of them working by scavenging parts off the others. He always buys the same model for this precise reason. Anyway, having got that running, it meant sammy could get down to some serious jungle abuse and knock back some of the more threatening plant life in front of the house. All three machines had different things wrong with them, but the one with the leaky gas tank seemed like the quickest to resolve so we simply took the tank off and swapped it out for another. Funnily enough a busted plastic tank was what killed our machine. I suppose the material just gets fragile after a few years, a familiar concept.